Monday, October 22, 2007

Chapter 18 Section 3 Guided Reading

1) What was its relationship to the U.S.?
a. Puerto Rico: Very similar to a colony or a protectorate
b. Cuba: American military provided food and clothing for thousands of families, helped put lands back into cultivation, and organized elementary schools, and helped to eliminate yellow fever. It was an American protectorate
c. The Philippines: The U.S., in response to rebellion from Filipinos who thought that they were to be free, assumed the same role that Spain had played and the U.S. had condemned it for. After a war was fought, it became a protectorate.
d. China:
China remained free, but had many parts of it claimed and used by otter countries
The U.S. had a large amount of influence in China.

Why did the U.S. try to control its affairs?
Puerto Rico was strategically important to the U.S., for maintaining a U.S. presence in the Caribbean and for protecting the future of the Panama Canal
b. To protect American business that had invested in in the island's sugar, tobacco, and mining industries, as well as in its railroads and public utilities.
c. To provide the U.S. with raw materials and new markets.
d. America didn't want China to be carved into colonies and American traders to be shut out of the business opportunities. They wanted to keep the market open.

What laws and policies affected its relationship with the U.S.?
The Foraker Act
b. The Platt Amendment to their constitution
c. The Treaty of Paris
d. The Open Door Notes

What violent events ended its relationship with the U.S.?
The Spanish-American War.
The United States refused to withdraw its troops from Cuba until it agreed to the Platt Amendment to its constitution. Protesters called for a return to arms in order to reclaim their country from the U.S., but nothing occurred.
c. The Filipinos rose in a revolt after discovering that they would not be given independence by the U.S.. Guerrilla tactics were used, and the U.S. forced Filipinos to live in filthy designated zones where death was caused by poor sanitation, disease and starvation. The U.S. spent 3 years trying to control to Philippines, and 20,000 rebels died fighting.
d. The Boxer Rebellion, in which Chinese martial arts fighters trying to reclaim China killed hundreds of missionaries and other foreigners, and when the rebellion was controlled 2 months later, thousands of Chinese had died fighting.

John Haye's Open Door Notes paved the way for greater U.S. influence in Asia. Note 3 beliefs held by Americans that were reflected by the Open Door policy:
Growth of the U.S. economy depended on exports.
2. The U.S. had the right to intervene abraod to keep foreign markets open.
3. The closing of an area to American products, citizens or ideas threatened U.S. survival.


Unknown said...

thanks for having this blog it really help me out doing my class work 100%

Unknown said...

wish part C was on there but this is the best thing ever happened to me

Unknown said...

I Am no longer failing becuase of you <3

Unknown said...

OMG thank you so much!!

Unknown said...

God bless

Unknown said...

Thanks soo much. My sh*tty history teacher decides to gie us tons of HW on uninteresting topics that i dont understand. You are a lifesaver with this

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Unknown said...

Yasss I love this 😍❤️️ You have really help me a lot thank your

Unknown said...

thx for the help I didn't have my textbook and this came in just the right time thanks a lot

Unknown said...

My guy

Unknown said...

My nigga thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks bro big help

Anonymous said...

i was fappin it then remembered i have hw. thanks homie came in clutch 10/19